Projeto de artes visuais da turma 9a sobre a Guerra na Ucrânia
“Devido à actual crise humanitária na Ucrânia, a nossa colega Francisca Mendes teve a ideia de fazer uma exposição artística para demostrar o nosso apoio à Ucrânia e também para transmitir as cenas marcantes desta guerra.
Este projeto foi rapidamente adotado pela turma inteira. Com a ajuda da Frau Malessa conseguimos criar vários elementos para o projeto, que são uma grande pomba da paz com imagens deste conflito e várias pequenas pombas da paz com as cores da Ucrânia penduradas em ramos de madeira. Em geral, o projeto foi um sucesso e podem encontrá-lo no Foyer.”
Leonor Seifert, Guilherme Almeida, turma 9a
„This mother and her children were forced to abandon their home and their goods, when the city where they lived was bombed. The father had to stay in Ukraine to fight the invadors. In a journey of more than a week, without enough food and protection against the cold, they try to reach the Polish border, where they would be finally safe.“
„This soldier had to leave his family behind to defend his country. The young man never imagined being a soldier, but due to the serious situation he was recruited. Having only two weeks of trainig he isn´t fully prepared, but still needs to fight. His survival chances are very low.“
„This father says goodbye to his son, who will be looking for a better life in the EU with his mother, having to pass a cruel and difficult journey. The father needs to stay in Ukraine to fight in the war. From now on the father will never know if his son and the wife will reach safety. This may have been their last moment together.“